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Extended Service Plans: More Value, Less Uncertainty

Everyone understands the importance of savings. We’ve been taught from an early age that the sooner you start saving, the better off you’ll be later down the road. Setting aside funds can increase your purchasing power when buying a home, prepare you for retirement at an earlier age and cover your expenses should you need emergency funds — all smart investments toward getting ahead and staying ahead.


However, a recent nationwide survey by Hart Research Associates shows that 48 percent of Americans say that they do not have the savings they need to achieve financial stability. In today’s economy, it is especially challenging to set aside rainy day funds for those unexpected moments that can drain your bank account and set you back even further. That is why it is in your best interest to consider an extended service plan (ESP).


Designed to help customers manage the cost and inconveniences of product failures, an ESP can be purchased for just a fraction of what you would normally pay for service repair. In some cases, the savings can add up to hundreds of dollars and even mean the difference between paying just a little extra cash as opposed to purchasing an entirely new product. Plus, there are several other advantages to consider with an ESP.


1. Today’s plans and service programs are more affordable than ever before

2. You’ll have added peace of mind knowing that your purchases will be fixed or replaced if something goes wrong

3. If you are having trouble with a product, you’ll have immediate access to a qualified service professional who can diagnose the problem, saving you time and money

4. A Warrantech ESP can readily be customized to fit your wants and needs

Above all, an ESP can protect you from incurring deeper debt and help save you money in the long run. This in turn can free up your finances so that you are able to accumulate greater wealth and maintain a respectable savings. And as most financial-savvy individuals view their major purchases as an investment worth protecting, an extended service plan should be considered a smart addition to your savings account.

For more consumer tips and information regarding extended warranties and vehicle service contracts, be sure to visit: https://www.facebook.com/amtservicecorp

Filed Under: Extended, plans, service, Warrantech

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